Financial Planning
Course Description:
First things first, this is a seminar for students with jobs or who have had paid jobs in the past. If you haven’t had a job yet, this seminar is offered every school year and you will have the opportunity to take it at a later time!
We need money to survive, and this seminar is focused entirely on how to manage all of the money that you’ve spent countless hours working hard to earn! This seminar is broken down into seven interconnected but distinct aspects of financial planning, which are: Taxes, Checking, Saving, College and Career, Credit, Investing, and Insurance.
Throughout the seminar, students will be creating and adding to a financial portfolio that is separated into these seven sections. At the conclusion of the seminar, students will choose one of these areas to dive deep into and complete an extensive project that will outline their future. Additionally, students will have all of the knowledge that they need in order to go out into the real world and be a smart, self-interested consumer.
Standards Offered:
Electives/ Future Readiness:
Personal Finance Category (Mastery Credit)
Financial Mindset
Education and Employment
Money Management
Credit and Debt
Using Economics in Real Life