Pathways High Mission
To unleash ALL learners' potential. NOW.
Pathways High Vision
All our graduates will use their unique talents to boldly and positively impact the world.
Pathways High Why
Pathways High is a world-class public charter high school leading the way in project based learning supporting the development of strong critical thinking, creative problem solving, and necessary networking skills.
When we trust students with the skills to make good decisions about their learning and support them through missteps, they become successful, independent decision-makers.
We are committed to fostering the development of relationship building and networking skills. As globalization rapidly increases, students and staff will have the self-knowledge and relationship building skills to thrive in our interconnected world.
Diversity by Design
We are intentionally bringing together young people and adults from wide-ranging communities with diverse socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, cultural, sexual, and social identity backgrounds in order to provide broader perspectives with which to formulate, view, and solve real world problems.
Excellence Through Purpose
We strive for excellence by doing work that has purpose and meaning. Furthermore, we believe excellence is determined by assessment of performance on real world projects. Assessment includes teachers, peers, self, and authentic audiences, as often as possible.
The goal is to develop future community leaders.
Leslie Z; Engagement Manager at Project Kindred
Four parents co-founded Pathways High School after being inspired by:

Over nine months (October 2015 - July 2016) of the XQ grant process, Pathways High advanced to become a semi-finalist, one of only four schools in Wisconsin and the only one to open.
The finalists for the XQ grant were announced in July 2016 before charters are authorized in Wisconsin. The founding team moved forward with a charter application submission to UW-Milwaukee in August 2016 and defended the application before the UWM charter review committee in September 2016.
The charter was unanimously approved by the review committee in September 2016, a provisional authorization, and then unanimously approved by the UW Board of Regents in February 2017 making the authorization official. The Pathways High team secured a lease of a building on Vel Phillips and Walnut in April 2017 and began the process to recruit staff and students.