Course Description:
In this course, students will participate in two robot builds and two side quests. Design, build, and compete with a submersible Remote Operated Vehicle, build and program a land-based robot to compete in specific games, unbuild and design modifications to a prosthetic hand, and design a submersible research ROV based on the SeaFox model. Submersible ROV’s are an important context due to Milwaukee’s unique location at the delta of a large river basin and Lake Michigan.
Students who have already taken computer programming or robotics ARE ENCOURAGED to take the course again to learn a new language and to pursue industry certifications. These students will work with the instructor to develop a portfolio demonstrating proficiency or mastery in advanced standards.
Standards Offered:
Design Thinking:
Prototype and Test
Future Readiness:
Creating Team Roles, Norms and Responsibilities
Negotiating Conflict Constructively
Utilizing Digital Documents to Collaborate
Community Empathy
STEM Math:
Mathematical Modeling Foundational: Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data
Structure and Generalization Foundational: Measurement and Dimenson
STEM Science:
Physical Science (Force/Motion Scientific Process OR Application)
Foundational Solutions Based Engineering and Design
Physical Science (Energy Scientific Process OR Application)